This episode harnesses the energy to be revitalised. Now the energy itself has the ability to convert the negative energy to positive. Not all negative energy can be changed to…

This episode harnesses the energy to be revitalised. Now the energy itself has the ability to convert the negative energy to positive. Not all negative energy can be changed to…

Up to this level, the body is prepared to receive the energy, and the mind is prepared to utilize the energy. Those levels are performed for the purpose to amend…

This is again two therapist level. Upto this level mind has been so mature to understand priorities and read them according to sequences. Now, mind has only those thoughts which…

Touches are different types. Some please us, some relax us and some annoy us. Our skin is not trained to classify each touches and so it sends each and every…

After the connection is established to the mind through the selective energy points, the practitioner’s object at this level is to vibrate the mind. In mind, simultaneously, more than thousands…

kayaSpandan: is the very first level of Tantra. This level prepares the skin to understand the concept of touch healing. It makes the skin introduce the different energy points of…

Before start with tantra 7 levels, one wants to confirm the authentication of Tantra with us. Hence we created this Introductory level of Tantra in which one understands the quality,…