प्रहर्ष: The Ecstacy

An overpowering sense of immense delight or joyous exhilaration brought about by Heaven on Earth. This section contains several Tantric sensuous postures and practises that you can utilise to improve and enliven your life. The main focus will be a full-body tantric connection that will ignite your loins, open your heart, enlarge your mind, blow you away with divine experience, and let you perceive yourself and your Shishika as God.

In this element, slow is advantageous. Tantra places you in genuine sensation. But then it becomes slower. Occasionally, into total stillness to stoke a slow-burning sensual exchange. Because of its calm, unhurried nature, this inner fire is known as the blue flame. Making & Lasting Bliss can last for hours as long as waves of bliss continue to flow through when we gently feed and nurture this fire.

To accomplish this and have an internal orgasmic experience, you as Sisha will need to learn how to regulate ejection. SISHIKA can appear to be wild, fiery, and insane, yet they know when to settle down, ride the waves of this magnificent establishment, and ignite the flame of vitality.

However, exploring slower motion and being more at ease with surrendering will encourage a flowering into ever-deeper realms of experience. Nirvana can be attained by dropping the aim. Furthermore, slowing down allows you more room to truly experience them and share a deep intimacy.

सर्वकर्माण्यपि सदा कुर्वाणो मद्यपाश्रयः।
मत्प्रसादादवाप्नोति शाश्वतं पदमव्ययम् ॥56॥

Geeta ||18.56||

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